Not really easy to pick the ten best episodes of this sitcom masterpiece. But I finally found the outstanding ten. Before I go on with the ranking of the best friends episodes, it is time for some honorable mentions: These episodes were brillant as well, but closely missed the Top 10:Â Â
Honorable mentions:
- The One with Monica`s boots (“Why don`t you check in one of my saddle bags while I chew on a bale of hay?”)
- The One with Ross`s Tan
- The One with the Male Nanny (with Freddie Prince Jr. as the title-giving Nanny)
- The One with Rachel`s book
- The One with the Ball
- The One with the list” (with one of my favourite lines ever by Chandler: “Games and stuff”)
- The One with all the rugby” (Chandler trying to escape Janice by inventing a transfer to Yemen is funny beyond words!).
It says a lot that all these hilarious one`s are not even top ten among the Friends series. But now let`s have a look at the All Time Best Friends episodes:
Additional reading: Best sitcoms ever
Best Friends episodes ever
Also check out: All you need to know about the Friends sitcom
10. The One with the Rumour (Season 8)
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Brad Pitt guest-starring as Rachel-Hater (still married to Aniston back then) was brillant and led to nice tension during Thanksgiving dinner and revealed some funny secrets from schooldays.
- Best line: Will: I said it was typical. Typical of you, Rachel Green, Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in little Rachel land.
9. The One with the Nap Partners (Season 7)
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Joey and Ross accidently fall asleep like spoons on a couch together after a Die Hard-marathon, wake up in shock and swear to never ever talk about it again. Joey however realizes that he never had such a deep sleep and now tries to seduce Ross to take another nap.
- Best line: Ross: Wow! This cologne really is every bit as good as Giorgio`s!
8. The Last One: Part Two (Season 10)
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Well, the last episode of the Friends series is kind of a sad thing, but nevertheless it couldn`t have been done any better, was as classy as the whole show. It had nostalgic moments, surprises, slapstick, flashbacks, more Ross-and-Rachel-drama and it tied up all the loose ends, so every fan could finally let go his Friends.
- Best line: Rachel: Ok, should we get some coffee? Chandler: Sure. Where?
7. The One with Rachel`s Other Sister (Season 9)
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Christina “Kelly Bundy” Appelgate might be the best among all the great guest stars that have visited the Friends series over the years. As Amy Green she annoys and insults everyone with her shallowness and complete absence of courtesy or decent behavior and therefore brings us another hilarious Thanksgiving episode.
- Best line: Chandler: Wait a minute. This isn’t the china we picked out…Monica: I know! After you left the store I chose different ones. Chandler: Why? Monica: well, no offense honey, but your taste is a little feminine for me. Chandler: Oh suddenly flowers are feminine?
6. The One where no one`s ready (Season 3)
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Stories where the six of them are mostly together in their appartments just interacting, talking, fighting or complaining, are always amazing and among the best friends episodes. And here we have a full blow of that. Rachel is mad at Ross, Monica is stalking Richards answering machine, Phoebe has dressing problems and Joey and Chandler fight about a chair…or more precisely a cushion, which is according to Chandler the essence of a chair!
- Best line: Joey: Look at me–I’m Chandler! Could I be wearing any more clothes? Maybe if I wasn’t going commando!
Additional reading: Best The Big Bang Theory episodes ever
5. The One with the Jellyfish (Season 4)
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On a beach trip, tired Ross has to deal with 18-paged letter (front and back) from Rachel and Monica got stung by a jellyfish during excellent whole digging action by Joey. There is only one solution to help Monica.. Finally the gang returns home and all the tension blows up in a brillant final. The season four premiere of the Friends series is Must-See TV!
- Best line:
- Monica: No! Joey, we swore we’d never tell! Chandler: They’ll never understand!
- Ross: We were on a break!!!
4. The One with Ross`s wedding: Part Two (Season 4)
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This episode about Ross`s and Emily`s wedding has to be in the ranking of the best friends episodes for Chandler`s failed monologue at the rehearsal dinner alone. How he is making all his jokes that nobody gets and his irritated reaction are so hilarious. The excursion of the Friends series to London was certainly worthwhile.
- Best line: Chandler: And I’m sure we’re all very excited that Ross and Emily are getting married at Montgomery Hall. I mean to think, my friend getting married in Monty Hall. Ohh, come on!! Monty Hall!! Lets make a Deal!! Come on, you people!! All right, forget it!! Congratulations, Ross and Emily.
3. The One where Everybody finds out (Season 5)
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Chandler and Monica are a couple, but only Joey knows yet. Finally Phoebe and Rachel find it out by coincidence and decide to play pranks instead of confronting them. This episode reveals Hugsy, Joey`s bedtime penguin pal (when I heard that the first time I couldn`t believe that he actually said those words…quite possibly the best gag in sitcom history!), has Phoebe hitting on Chandler and Ross dealing with rage problems. What more do you want?
- Best line (couldn`t decide for just one):
- Rachel: You don’t have any secrets! Joey: Oh yeah? Well, you don’t know about Hugsy, my bedtime penguin pal.
- Monica: Ohhh, oh my God! Oh my God! She knows about us! Chandler: Are you serious? Monica: Phoebe knows and she’s just trying to freak us out! That’s the only explanation for it!
- Phoebe: They don’t know that we know they know we know!
- It`s naked Ross!
- Get off my sister!!!
2. The One with Phoebe`s wedding (Season 10)
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Now that I think about this episode I have to correct myself. The best guest star was not Christina Applegate, no it must have been Paul Rudd as Phoebe`s love interest Mike. This episode has so many great situations, funny lines and is nevertheless immensely touching and heartwarming because of Phoebe finally finding her soulmate.
Joey behaving like Phoebe`s father, Chandler and Ross fighting to be in the wedding and Monica as wedding drill instructor make this one easily the second-best Friends episode ever!
- Best line:
- Chandler: This is like figure skating team all over again. I mean synchronized swimming. I mean- I mean the balance beam. Help me! Ross: FOOTBALL!
- Joey: I understand you plan to support your wife by playing the piano? Isn’t that kind of unstable? Mike: No more so than acting. Joey: Strike two! Mike: You’re right. She probably will support me. Hey, unless we move in with you, dad?
Additional reading: Best sitcom characters ever
1. The One with the Embryos (Season 4)
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I never had any doubt about the first place of the best friends episodes ever. The quiz contest between Joey / Chandler and Monica / Rachel must be the funniest scene I have ever seen in any sitcom ever! The answers and reactions to them are downright sidesplitting. Just a few examples: Viva Las Gaygas…Weekend at Bernie`s…Actually it`s Miss Chanandelor Bong…He`s a transponster…Big fat goalie. I could go on forever…I think I`m going to watch it now!
- Best line (it would go beyond the scope to list all highlights):
- Ross: What is the name of Chandler’s father’s all male burlesque review? Monica: Viva Las Gay-gas. Chandler: Unfortunately, that would be correct.
- Chandler: His legs flail about as if independent from his body!
- Chandler: Actually, it`s Miss Chanandelor Bong
Do you agree with the top ten ranking of the best friends episodes ever? Or does your list contain other elements of the Friends series?